Mog Blog
Musings from Mango, my opinionated ginger cat, and his family
New beginnings with petmedcollect

Hello, my name is Mango and I share my home with the owner of petmedcollect, or Driving Miss Tracey as I call her!
Keep an eye on this page for news and updates relating to petmedcollect and the world of cats (OK, and other animals if we must).
Tracey had the idea to set up petmedcollect when the challenges of Covid made it clear that transport to and from the vets was a huge problem for some pet owners. Elderly or vulnerable people, or those without transport, may need help picking up prescriptions and foods or even getting their pets to routine appointments. Even as lockdown eases, it’s clear many pet owners would prefer a service that takes care of the journey for them. While for those with a busy lifestyle, it frees up valuable time.
Tracey can take cats like me in their carriers, or small dogs. She has a pet carrier available if you don’t have one.
Give her a call if you have any questions or requests!
Love Mango X
Dorwest Herbs

The Story Behind Dorwest best-seller Keepers’s Mix is the ultimate natural dietary supplement but where did it come from and what does it do?
Keeper’s Mix was originally created by a Dorset gamekeeper and kennel man to help keep his dogs in top condition. Since then, it has been developed further with the benefit of modern herbal knowledge, scientific methods and quality assurances, but the heart of the product remains true to its humble beginnings.
Today, Keeper’s Mix combines the benefits of a unique and specially selected blend of eight herbs to provide natural antioxidants (to neutralise free radicals), vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, fibres and complex bioactive compounds. The natural active compounds in these herbs work together to promote all-round health, supporting vital organs and maintaining natural balance in your pet’s body, as well as encouraging a thick and healthy coat.
Keepers Mix is carefully formulated so that the individual properties of each herb provide health and vitality to major organs, with no risk of unbalancing the diet – even for cats and dogs that are fed complete pet food. This means that giving Keeper’s Mix daily benefits all cats and dogs, regardless of their diet or lifestyle, which might be why it has been a staple for pets, working dogs and show animals across the globe for over 25 years! it is particularly loved by those who choose to raw feed, due to its 100% herbal ingrediants and nothing artificial.

unique herbal dietary supplement ideal for all pets as an all-round boost or to provide extra nutritional support for dogs experiencing increased physical demands.
petmedcollect will be opening a shop very soon on the website – watch this space! Love Mango X
Arthritis in dogs – the unseen struggle
Arthritis and Degenerative joint disease
Dogs rely on their legs and joints to maintain mobility. They are naturally athletic
animals and eventually this activity can take its toll. Many older dogs have arthritis but
because they can not tell us they are in pain, it is often seen only as stiffness.
Your dog may be reluctant to jump down from the car. He may limp at the beginning of a
walk or show stiffness when getting out of his basket in the morning. Some dogs with
arthritis are less interested in play and can be less tolerant towards children or other dogs.
Licking or chewing at joints can also be a sign of pain.
Although some wear and tear is inevitable, there are many products available that can
slow down the progress of the disease and promote healing of the cartilage.
Things you can do to help your dog:
Speak to your veterinary surgeon
There are many products available to relieve painful joints. Your vet may
prescribe NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) which will reduce pain
and stiffness.
Control weight
An overweight dog puts a lot of extra strain on his joints. Weight reduction by
increasing exercise is not recommended with an arthritic dog so a calorie
controlled diet should be fed. Once the excess weight has gone you should see a
marked difference in your dog’s mobility.
Gentle exercise
Regular, gentle exercise will help maintain mobility, keep your dog from
stiffening up and ensure he enjoys life. Avoid occasional energetic exercise or
rough play which will simply cause pain afterwards.
Nutritional joint supplements can be given to help joint function. Your vet will
recommend a suitable product.

Alternative therapies:
- Acupuncture can have a pain relieving effect. It also has a beneficial effect
on the immune system, increasing ability to fight disease and giving a
whole body improvement. - Hydrotherapy allows careful controlled swimming as a low impact form of
exercise. It improves fitness and builds muscle mass which helps support
joints. - Physiotherapy stretches and exercises can help keep your dog more
comfortable and mobile and massage can help to warm up the muscles
before exercise and cool them down afterwards.
There are a number of things that can be done to aid a dog with arthritis. Your veterinary
surgeon or nurse can offer regular checks and advice to help you give your dog a greater.
REMEMBERING THE ANIMALS OF WAR always and forever with a Purple Poppy

If you’ve noticed people wearing purple poppies in November, you may have wondered what they’re for. The purple poppy, created by the animal charity Animal Aid in 2006, pays tribute to all the animals who were sacrificed in world wars past and present.
In UK military service today, most animals are working dogs, particularly in the 1st Military Working Dog Regiment. However, historically, the greatest number of animal casualties in conflict have been horses and donkeys. Approximately, eight million died during the First World War.
A particular accolade of recognition was the PDSA Dickin Medal (pictured), which was instigated in 1943 by Maria Dickin to honour the work of animals in World War II. Recipients included the dog Rip (see below photo), who in 1945 was praised for locating many air-raid victims during The Blitz. The same year, a collie called Rob received the medal for making over 20 parachute descents with the SAS in North Africa. The bronze medallion was even given to feathered friends, such as the pigeon William of Orange who delivered messages from Operation Market Garden.

The trust between man and animal knows no bounds, they are loyal to the end. Never having a choice, always voiceless, they deserve so much respect, love and kindness. Thank you to all the animals who have served and help protect us.

Drove Veterinary Hospital and branch clinics in Wiltshire are selling knitted Purple Poppies to raise money for the Royal British Legion & Twigs Community Gardens if you would like to donate to this charity.